I needed a battery for my Nissan. I had one that was working, but would not hold a charge for more than a day (after 36 hours, no start and I was told it was a good battery that needed to be charged…Yeah, Not holding a charge does not make it a good battery!). All the local places to get a battery were really expensive for the basic technology of a water/acid lead brick. After a little research, and some internet window shopping, I came upon Weize. I had never heard of them. I thought I had found something that I should be cautious about. After looking around their interwebs stuff and things, I realized they were a good company trying to make sure people understood they were good company. I bought the AGM (absorbed glass matt) battery, from their on-line store, and it arrived, quickly, in a well protected box. I saw it came with a pamphlet explaining what you needed to look for to make sure it would work and what to do if it would not work. That was cooler than just telling you to pay to have it sent back! I put it in my Nissan and let it sit for a couple days while driving my other car. 3 days later, I turned the key and the Nissan started like it a brand-new Nissan!
My other car has an AGM that has been in it for 6 years now... I am interested to see if this black top will last close to that. From what I have seen so far, and tested so far, I think it may last as long or longer. I am impressed and happy I bought this battery. Also, it was less expensive than a normal lead brick battery at a local/on-line store (including Amazonian types).